Friday, November 30, 2012

The ABCX model is a stress and crisis model that helps people understand their responses to stressful events.
A- Actual Event
B- Both resources and reactions 
C- Cognition, what we think and what we define 
X- Experience

  • The big difference was with the cognition and how the B effects the C  
  • Its not always what you have its what you do with what you have 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

We are starting to talk about fathers and the importance they are in the home. I want you to tell me how important you think your father is and why.
Please respond and put any thoughts down

Sunday, November 4, 2012

I just got back from this trip called NCFR-National Council on Family Relations in Phoenix, Arizona and during this we had different workshops that we went to. I really enjoyed going to them and I learned a lot. One thing that I learned about was that how much we really use the internet and other technology for relationships and how bad it is.
      This tends to be a problem because if all that we are doing in our relationships is texting or facebooking or other things like that. I we do this we wont get the right messages that people are trying to send to us. Like we wont be able to really know what they are saying to us. You don't know the real reactions that the other person is giving you because you cant see them you only are reading what they are saying. Also since it is not one on one and in person you can wait how ever long you want to respond to them and revise what you are going to say many times before you say it and make sure its what the other person wants to hear. We need to know how the other person feels and what they are really meaning when they are communicating         .     They gave this example about this man and women who are married and when ever they were having a fight they would go off into the other room when it got to much to handle and just text each other and continue their fight because they couldn't face each other.
 So having the technology is a big problem in relationships I think that as a person you need to be able to talk to those around you and learn how to communicate in person and not always use the technology that's in front of you. I want to know what you guys think and put in any experiences that you have had with this.