Sunday, December 9, 2012

         The father needs to become more involved as an active parent he will find more desires to be a father. This is a good point to make because when the father becomes more involved he will want to do things more for the child or children. But I think its also part of the wife’s job to help her husband know these things and help him have times to be an active parent/father.

Also that it’s important that both of the parents need to create an equal balance in the home. Both parents need to know and help each other in the home. These parents need to create a balance of what each one should do. I think that they also need to take turns in doing all of those things. I think this because if you have one parent always doing the same thing the other parent won’t get to have the same kind of bond with the child. You need to make things equal between the parents. 
With in the first 6 months of parenthood the work load if the mother increases by 63% and the fathers work load increases by 47%

  • When you have your children you need to make sure that both of the parents are involved in the whole process of the pregnancy and even until the child is all grown up
  • Both of the parents need to be there for each other and support one another as well 
  • Remember that before you had the child you both loved each other and now that is the reason you have this child 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

70% of the people who get divorce 2 years later regret their divorce
There are six stations of divorce

  1. emotional divorce- this involves a loss of trust, respect, and affection for each other. They stop supporting each other and find ways to hurt, frustrate or to lower the self-esteem the other person  
  2. legal divorce- this is when the court brings the marriage to an end. This can be a relief from the legal responsibilities of the marriage and the right to remarry.
  3. economic divorce- this involves settlement of the property, this is not an easy matter. This can also be very hurtful or painful. 
  4. co-parent divorce- this is ones who have children, which is about 2/3 of all couples. Its figuring out who will have custody, visitation rights and continuing parental responsibilities. This can be one of the most tragic part of divorce. 
  5. community divorce- when each parent leaves one community of friends and relationships and goes to another one. 
  6. psychic divorce- the central separation that occurs, the individual must accept the disruption of the relationship and regain a sense of being an individual 
There are three types of parenting

  • Authoritarian (authoric)- The parent has maximum control over the child. The parents and child interaction is not the give and take of a developing relationship, but its mostly of giving of orders. If the rules are broken or violated the discipline is severe and physical  
  • Permissive (Doormat)- The parents minimize any control. These children are encouraged to make their own decisions and develop their own independence with few or no parental constraints or guidance. The parent child relationship consist of the parent approving whatever the child decides to do.   
  • Active (Authoritative)- They put boundaries on acceptable behavior with warm and accepting context. There is a good parent-child interaction which is generally characterized by affection, give and take but relatively clear expectations for the child's behavior. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

This week in my class we are going to talk about divorce. I want to know if you think divorce is good or bad for you and why. Than later in the week I will post more about divorce and then you can give more thought on what I post.

Friday, November 30, 2012

The ABCX model is a stress and crisis model that helps people understand their responses to stressful events.
A- Actual Event
B- Both resources and reactions 
C- Cognition, what we think and what we define 
X- Experience

  • The big difference was with the cognition and how the B effects the C  
  • Its not always what you have its what you do with what you have 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

We are starting to talk about fathers and the importance they are in the home. I want you to tell me how important you think your father is and why.
Please respond and put any thoughts down